fibonacci spiral

Bill Slobotski

Video Games

Javascript games designed in Tumult Hype

These are sample games from DGIM 2530 and 2531 "Web Based Game Design"

Taught by Darren Pearson at Saint Paul College

Tumult Hype was used to create these games. Unfortunately it is a Mac-only program and the Mac I borrowed for the class is now with its original owner. Some day I will find a PC based solution for tweaking these games and creating new ones.

All these games require a keyboard

Whitehouse Dinner

My variation on Space Invaders has a Donald Trump theme which includes the much desired taco truck on every corner.

Space Invaders

Maze Runner

Grab the keys and escape before it's too late!


Slots in Space

Collect enough fuel to escape another era of cryogenic freezing!



My first game created from scratch.
